sunnuntai 27. elokuuta 2017

The Three Main Powers

There are three main powers that affect us in the World. We, the human beings are the guardians of these powers. We have an ability to hold them or destroy them as we wish. That is a huge responsibility. These powers are energy that we feed with our thoughts, words, actions and feelings consciously or unconsciously. Earth holds two of these powers: GNOMES and LIZARDS. We know them from the children's stories but instead of thinking them as they've been pictured in books, allow yourself to imagine them as energy. The first one is life-giving and the second one is life-taking. Third power is the power of LIGHT, usually seen as angels and light beings. Light is from the above.

At the moment Gnomes are trying to survive, they're trying very hard to save our planet for us and generations to come. But they're struggling! Lizards instead are having a feast with us. Light beings are waiting for us to wake up so that we're ready to invite them to do their job. It's not happening before our hearts are ready and open for them to deliver.

All these main energies feed from OUR energy! When I'm feeling angry, hateful, revengeful and selfish, I'm shovelling breakfast, lunch and dinner to an already well-fed jaws to an army of lizards. But when I feel good, happy, joyful and in love, I'm feeding very hungry gnomes. When my heart is open, and I'm accepting, respectful and ready to listen, there is a subtle change in energy that then happens inside of my being. All the channels from the center of the Earth opens and connects through me to the powers of Light. It is a marriage of Earth and Heavens and it happens in the heart of us.

This is an awakening, connection and deeper purpose that we're striving for. This is YIN - YANG and it happens in the heart of humanity. So, it's our responsibility to honour those hungry gnomes with love, happiness and gratefulness. They can see the true light only through us. Lizards won't survive in that light.

Who do you feed with your thoughts, words, actions and FEELINGS?

(Thank you Susan Hedman for an inspiration to this writing.)

Photo by Lukasz Szmigiel.

torstai 10. elokuuta 2017

We ARE the information!

It's true that our cells renew themselves constantly. They feed from the information we send to them. Many spiritual teachers share the same teachings. They all tell us that eventually we become images of our thoughts, words, actions and the most powerfully of our feelings. If my most prominent thought is about love, kindness, light and peace I can soon see myself as loving, kind, enlightened and peaceful person. Others will see the same in me. And of course it works same the opposite. If I'm often mad, angry, jealous and hatred, that is how my face, my body and my actions will soon look like. And others will most likely avoid me, because I'm not fun to be around.

But what if we all ARE that information? If we look at the larger picture and imagine that each one of us is bringing something to this World and the base of all of us is LIGHT. But as it happens when we are born we forget this information we're bringing here and eventually we'll get lost. But the information never goes away, we carry it within. When we are lost, we need to find the connection again. This connection helps us to remember. And when we remember we feel relief. The connection is the gateway to remember and eventually deliver the information to it's destination. And that is our job.

The information within us will recreate this World every moment. The cells of the World are renewed as fast as the information travels through it. We, the people, are the guardians of the World. It's our job to keep it alive. What if we'd shine the light, that is our base, throughout the Worldly system so that the cells of the World will start looking like us? This is what is happening already we just don't pay attention to it. If you know your mission, the information YOU bring to the world, it makes you feel good, it helps others to feel good, and it helps our World to stay beautiful, then you are in connection to who you really are. You're doing your part in the whole.

It's part of the plan to forget everything on birth. In the end this World is our school, our University and education. We come here to be educated, to loose the connection and to find it again. Nobody sends us here but ourselves. We're here together. We're creating and renewing the World with every thought, word, action, but most of all with how we FEEL! Keep your responsibility in mind. Feel good! The World will follow! All humanity will follow!

Photo by Oliver Pacas.