perjantai 15. huhtikuuta 2016

From Occupy to Democracy Spring

This morning I read from Helisngin Sanomat another news from Washington DC without a mention of demonstrations. It's already sixth day when people are trying to get their voices heard, but still our 'free' media says nothing. Although there was a line from Olli Rehn, Minister of Economic Affairs, who is at the moment in Washington DC stating that USA began to recover immediately from 2008 because of the quick reforms in the banking and financial sector…. Come on!!!! You only have to look outside of the window from that Peterson Institute right by the DuPont Circle to see how well the USA recovered. I was there last week and I saw too many homeless people. People are not happy!! They tried to state that with Occupy, but it didn't help, now they are trying again, but this time there is a true media blockage.

After reading the 'newspaper' this morning I opened a book on my nightstand and was mesmerized to tumble into the following lines. Notice that this was written 124 years ago!!!

'We meet in the midst of nation brought to the verge of moral, political and material ruin. Corruption dominates the ballot box, the legislatures, the Congress, and touches even the ermine of the bench. The people are demoralised… The newspapers are subsidised or muzzled, opinion silenced... our homes covered with mortgages, labor impoverished, and the land concentrating in the hands of capitalists… The fruits to the toil of millions are boldly stolen to build up colossal fortunes… From the same prolific womb of governmental injustice we breed two classes - paupers and millionaires …' - Read by Ignatius Donnelly at the People's party national convention in 1892 in St. Louis.

You only need to step few blocks out from the city centres (that are mostly banks, investment banks and insurance companies) to see the real America. It didn't recover immediately from 2008. Dear Olli Rehn of Finland, Real America at the moment is poor, getting poorer as we speak and you just can't turn your back to it and say 'those people don't exist when I don't see them'. And dear foreign media, please pay attention!!! Murdoch doesn't need you, people does!

Follow the money….

Past two weeks I was visiting my other home country the United States of America. I love the country, I love the people, but I question the politics, and especially money in the politics. Money is energy, it has only the power that we give to it. Money itself is neutral, it doesn't have mind of its own, thoughts, plans, or even future. We give our own mind to money, our thoughts, our plans and our future. We rely on money. It becomes our life. We live because of money, we live for the money and so, money becomes our direction.

There are people who have tons of money, and they lead their money to the direction they like. Of course they expect to get something from their investment. Let's say a presidential candidate gets million dollars for her/his campaign. That candidate will definitely respect the giver, otherwise it would be rude to accept the money in the first place. But if the candidate asks only a pocket money such as 3$-5$ per person she/he has more freedom when elected than the other candidate who took the million dollars. At the moment this is one of the most important differences between Clinton and Sanders.

From Wikipedia: Democracy is further defined as (a:) 'government by the people; especially: rule of the majority (b:) a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.' 

If we talk about the democracy we need to talk about the money that is diluting it. At the moment there is a mass demonstration going on in the Washington DC. This morning I called Finnish main newspaper Helsingin Sanomat asking why they haven't written a word about the demonstration. For my surprise they didn't seem to know about the on-going demonstration. How can this be? In the same paper there were a story of Finnish treasurer Alexander Stubb visiting the Capitol Hill this very same week. In the picture we don't see any demonstrators behind widely smiling minister, but they were there, being arrested one after another. Over 700 arrests within four days.

Why is foreign media quiet for this? Or is the foreign media PAID to be quiet? What is one of my favourite countries, the United States of America, so afraid of?
I'm guessing it's THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE!

Democracy Spring - April 2016